Web pages located at www.concessum.com are the property of the Concessum Ltd. for mediation in employment and affiliated companies.
By accessing the website www.concessum.com you agree to the Concessum Ltd. Website Terms and to their legal effects. Concessum Ltd. can at any time and without prior notice modify and/or expand the Website Terms and on that site publish thus altered Terms of Use. Please refrain from accessing the Internet sites of Concessum Ltd. unless you agree to the application of the Terms of Use.
Any use of www.concessum.com is subject to the following terms.
Limitation of Liability
All contents published on www.concessum.com can be used for personal and non-commercial purposes only. Contents may not be modified, copied, broadcast or transferred and distributed by any means without a written consent from Concessum Ltd. With reasonable efforts Concessum Ltd. will maintain www.concessum.com as a fully functional site and keep all the published information accurate, complete and reliable while bearing no responsibility for the occasional malfunction of the site and with no guarantee, whether expressed or implied, as to accuracy, truthfulness, reliability or completeness of any piece of data, material or information published.
The www.concessum.com site is accessed via Internet. Concessum Ltd. reserves the right to change any of the contents published on www.concessum.com at any time and without prior notice or announcement. Concessum Ltd. has furthermore no obligation to update written materials, products or services published on the website. Concessum Ltd. will not be liable for any direct or indirect, accidental, material or immaterial damage, losses or expenses resulting either from use or from the inability to use the Concessum Ltd. website
Unless stated otherwise, the contents of this site are protected by copyright either owned by Concessum Ltd. and affiliated companies or licensed to Concessum Ltd. while owned by a third party. Concessum Ltd. also owns the copyright to editing, selecting and adapting of the contents at this site. Furthermore, the site contains trademarks and certain other intellectual property of Concessum Ltd. or affiliated companies or a third party. None of the contents at this site may be used without permission from Concessum Ltd.
Any infringement of the rights stated, whether intentional or unintentional, is a violation of the terms of use of the material from the web pages and is subject to material and criminal law.
Safety of Data
In order to secure the information on this site and make sure that the service is accessible to all users, Concessum Ltd. website applies software that keeps track of the visits and provides protection from unauthorized use or modification of data. However, each user of this web site should be aware of a certain degree of possibility for unauthorized persons or applications to bypass security measures, in which case Concessum Ltd. will not be liable for any direct or indirect, accidental, immaterial or material damage, loss or expenses.
Confidentiality and protection of personal data
You guarantee that all the information you provided in this application are true and that you authorize us, in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act (NN 103/03), to use that data for the sole purpose of finding an employment or job in general.
Your personal information will be stored in our database in accordance with the Article 17 of the Book of Rules on performing activities related to employment outside of the Croatian Employment Agency (OG 96/02 and 159/04).
During your visit to this site your personal data will not be made public nor will Concessum Ltd. or affiliated companies pass them on to third parties except with your express consent.
At certain places within the www.concessum.com site at certain times, Concessum Ltd. will collect personal data such as the name, surname, address, company name, phone number, e-mail address. These data will be used for contacts and records of the users of this website and for the purpose of statistical analysis of the visits to the www.concessum.com and to Concessum Ltd. They will not be passed on to third parties or processed for any other purpose. Communications and materials you provide, such as questions, comments, suggestions, etc. will not be considered confidential.
You can at any time request a review of all the personal information we received from you on one of our addresses published on the internet. Upon your request we can update, correct or delete the data, or we can in the future stop using them. If you wish to exercise this right, simply contact us at info@concessum.com.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding our policies for the protection of personal data, or about your experience with this web site, please contact us at info@concessum.com.
Sending messages via e-mail
Please bear in mind that sending messages via electronic mail containing personal data that may disclose your identity might be unsafe and subject to unauthorized access by a third party or due to a wrong delivery. Concessum Ltd. accepts no responsibility for the safety and privacy of such messages while retaining the right to reproduce, use, dispose of and distribute them to a third party without any restrictions.
Links to third party sites
Links on these web sites are for your information only and Concessum Ltd. accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of the information, or for the site contents or results which can be obtained through their use. Should you decide to access any link, you would do so entirely at your own risk.
Applicable Law
For the interpretation, application and legal effects of all the permissions, exclusions and conditions of the use of the Concessum Ltd. website Governing Croatian Law is applicable. Any claims and disputes that may arise as the result of the use of the Concessum Ltd. web site or any related to them are in the jurisdiction of Croatian courts only.
Distribution of information and materials posted on the Concessum Ltd. web site may in certain jurisdictions be restricted by law and each person must be privy to those regulations and act accordingly, while Concessum Ltd. has no responsibility for visits to the web pages from territories where their contents are restricted or banned.
By accessing the website www.concessum.com you agree to the Concessum Ltd. Website Terms and to their legal effects. Concessum Ltd. can at any time and without prior notice modify and/or expand the Website Terms and on that site publish thus altered Terms of Use. Please refrain from accessing the Internet sites of Concessum Ltd. unless you agree to the application of the Terms of Use.
Any use of www.concessum.com is subject to the following terms.
Limitation of Liability
All contents published on www.concessum.com can be used for personal and non-commercial purposes only. Contents may not be modified, copied, broadcast or transferred and distributed by any means without a written consent from Concessum Ltd. With reasonable efforts Concessum Ltd. will maintain www.concessum.com as a fully functional site and keep all the published information accurate, complete and reliable while bearing no responsibility for the occasional malfunction of the site and with no guarantee, whether expressed or implied, as to accuracy, truthfulness, reliability or completeness of any piece of data, material or information published.
The www.concessum.com site is accessed via Internet. Concessum Ltd. reserves the right to change any of the contents published on www.concessum.com at any time and without prior notice or announcement. Concessum Ltd. has furthermore no obligation to update written materials, products or services published on the website. Concessum Ltd. will not be liable for any direct or indirect, accidental, material or immaterial damage, losses or expenses resulting either from use or from the inability to use the Concessum Ltd. website
Unless stated otherwise, the contents of this site are protected by copyright either owned by Concessum Ltd. and affiliated companies or licensed to Concessum Ltd. while owned by a third party. Concessum Ltd. also owns the copyright to editing, selecting and adapting of the contents at this site. Furthermore, the site contains trademarks and certain other intellectual property of Concessum Ltd. or affiliated companies or a third party. None of the contents at this site may be used without permission from Concessum Ltd.
Any infringement of the rights stated, whether intentional or unintentional, is a violation of the terms of use of the material from the web pages and is subject to material and criminal law.
Safety of Data
In order to secure the information on this site and make sure that the service is accessible to all users, Concessum Ltd. website applies software that keeps track of the visits and provides protection from unauthorized use or modification of data. However, each user of this web site should be aware of a certain degree of possibility for unauthorized persons or applications to bypass security measures, in which case Concessum Ltd. will not be liable for any direct or indirect, accidental, immaterial or material damage, loss or expenses.
Confidentiality and protection of personal data
You guarantee that all the information you provided in this application are true and that you authorize us, in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act (NN 103/03), to use that data for the sole purpose of finding an employment or job in general.
Your personal information will be stored in our database in accordance with the Article 17 of the Book of Rules on performing activities related to employment outside of the Croatian Employment Agency (OG 96/02 and 159/04).
During your visit to this site your personal data will not be made public nor will Concessum Ltd. or affiliated companies pass them on to third parties except with your express consent.
At certain places within the www.concessum.com site at certain times, Concessum Ltd. will collect personal data such as the name, surname, address, company name, phone number, e-mail address. These data will be used for contacts and records of the users of this website and for the purpose of statistical analysis of the visits to the www.concessum.com and to Concessum Ltd. They will not be passed on to third parties or processed for any other purpose. Communications and materials you provide, such as questions, comments, suggestions, etc. will not be considered confidential.
You can at any time request a review of all the personal information we received from you on one of our addresses published on the internet. Upon your request we can update, correct or delete the data, or we can in the future stop using them. If you wish to exercise this right, simply contact us at info@concessum.com.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding our policies for the protection of personal data, or about your experience with this web site, please contact us at info@concessum.com.
Sending messages via e-mail
Please bear in mind that sending messages via electronic mail containing personal data that may disclose your identity might be unsafe and subject to unauthorized access by a third party or due to a wrong delivery. Concessum Ltd. accepts no responsibility for the safety and privacy of such messages while retaining the right to reproduce, use, dispose of and distribute them to a third party without any restrictions.
Links to third party sites
Links on these web sites are for your information only and Concessum Ltd. accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of the information, or for the site contents or results which can be obtained through their use. Should you decide to access any link, you would do so entirely at your own risk.
Applicable Law
For the interpretation, application and legal effects of all the permissions, exclusions and conditions of the use of the Concessum Ltd. website Governing Croatian Law is applicable. Any claims and disputes that may arise as the result of the use of the Concessum Ltd. web site or any related to them are in the jurisdiction of Croatian courts only.
Distribution of information and materials posted on the Concessum Ltd. web site may in certain jurisdictions be restricted by law and each person must be privy to those regulations and act accordingly, while Concessum Ltd. has no responsibility for visits to the web pages from territories where their contents are restricted or banned.